Tuesday, November 25, 2008

City of Teresopolis

Wednesday, June 11

City of Teresopolis -- We went to the “slum” area of town this afternoon. This is an area that had a lot of poverty and drug issues. They said that two years ago, if we had come into this area, we would have been kidnapped, or killed or both.

The Lord has been doing a work in such a powerful way here. The drug problems have gone way down. They introduced us to several young people that have come to Christ and are now reaching out to the community. One young man was named Phillipe – a top soccer star who came to Christ and is now part of their outreach team and coaching the outreach soccer ministry About 50 kids are a part of that.

One young guy just seemed to be very special. His name was Fabio. Twenty-four years old, and now considers himself a missionary to the city. They have a Judo outreach in the school. They gave us a demonstration for us.

One of the young gals that was there was Camille. She was the girl friend of the major drug Lord in the area. She was also his runner and was highly regarded because she was so good at it. He was killed and she got saved. Now she is inviting all her former drug friends to church. When we were on the street, a couple of the guys got on their cell phones and called up the current drug lord there. They told him to come over; they had some people that wanted to pray for him. So he came over and quietly let us pray for him.

We then went to a Methodist church ( Igreja Metodista Centenario Teresopolis) that is re-doing their building to seat 1,500 – they are growing so fast in that area. We prayed in the church and for the pastor. We found out later that he had said that he wondered if anyone really cared about him – so to have leaders from around the world come and pray in his church and for him was a huge encouragement. We also went to the Baptist church – they work together and with about four other churches. They are also expanding and expecting God’s continued move.

We then headed up to their prayer mountain. A really hard climb! Very steep high steps up from the neighborhood. It was quite a climb! This hill was given by a Christian for the purpose of transformation and he sold a second piece of land to have the funds to build a transformation training center on the hill. It was a powerful time of prayer. It was so moving to see these young men, who were saved out of this neighborhood, on top of this mountain, looking out over their city, praying for their city. At one point one of our team prayed for these young men to be like David and as he was finishing his prayer, there was a meteor that came out of the sky…as a confirmation of our prayers. It was powerful experience to be with these young men.

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