Saturday, November 1, 2008

Igreja Batista Da Lagoinha

Sunday Morning, June 8th we visited Igreja Batista Da Lagoinha, The Baptist Church of Lagoinha. in the city of Belo Horizonte. You can check out their website at:
It is in Protuguese, of course.

This is a church of about 35,000 with four services every Sunday. The sanctuary is in the round and about three stories. Before the worship service began, they had a baptismal service. The baptistry was way up high above the platform. Quite impressive. they must have baptized about five people.

The worship service was energetic and powerful. The worship was led by their worship leader, Ana Paula Valadao. She is one of the most popular worship leaders in Brazil, and her worship is really prophetic worship in nature. She has had worship gatherings that have had one million plus in attendance. Here is a link where you can check out one in Rio -

The worship service ended with an invitation. As the people came forward, counselors were with them and they were led in a prayer of salvation. As they ended the prayer, people in the sanctuary let down banners saying, "Welcome to the family of God."

It was a great example of the power and vibrancy of the Brazilian church. Personally, I'm ready to go back...wish I could have that kind of worship all the time!

Check out the video of the worship service. Don't mind the "tourists" taking pictures...

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