Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Story of Fischers Village

As we visited with James and Andrea, whey took us to visit the community garbage dump.

God had shown Andrea the city dump and the people that were living here. One day they went there to see for themselves. 

It was a beautiful day with a blue sky. But they saw children, teens and people living and eating from the dump. They saw children fighting with the vultures for garbage that was brought in from the dump

 trucks. They thought, “How can this be?” They asked God, how can we even start here? When they first came, people were skeptical – asking, why are you here? Are you a politician? Are you just here to take pictures? They explained that they were just there to give and to pray. They made a circle and were praying when a man came up to them. He was alone, had no family, lived in the dump, and was an alcoholic. He came up to them crying. 

When they asked him why he was crying, he told them that the night before when he was trying to sleep, he said, “God, if you really exist, send someone tomorrow to help us.”

They started going to the dump every Saturday bringing donations. It was hard to work in those conditions. James said when they first went there; the sky was black with vultures. They knew

 they needed to go where the people lived, but they were very bad conditions, fighting, etc. James kept thinking, “This is impossible.” He said, time after time, he thought it was impossible. He described himself as this 

rock that needed to be broken.

They processed boxes of vegetables and fruits in their garage, and the Lord told them, only give in love.

 They started finding out the history of the city, and discovering generational curses and began to break the division. They started 

a Bible school, teaching children. The parents would ask, “What have you been teaching my children, they are different” The family situation was that there were many families without fathers (there were about 100 families there at that time). They were not doing basic care and cleanliness. But when God began to work in them, they began to care about themselves, and they wanted to change and learn and take care of themselves and their families. 

They took the teens to McDonalds – people thought there would

 be behavioral problems, but they had no problems. They actually had more problems with the church kids. When they first went there, the women were only wearing t-shirts and panties – but as God touched them, they began to take care of themselves. After two years, even the weather was different, the ecology was different and even the smell changed.

They told of one girl, who was 14 years old. In one month, she would turn 15. It was her dream to have a party for her birthday, so Andrea gave her a “Princess Day.” She took her to the salon, gave her a cake and balloons. Before, she had acted like a man – the way she stood, walked and even her voice. Now all that has changed, even her voice is different.

The people were moved out of the dump and now live in a small nearby community.

One woman with three boys, each from a different man, was homeless. The community came together and built her a house.

They started classed to help the mothers find jobs. They established an after school program. They paid a teacher there to do the program. The director of the school called to ask what was

 happening with the kids – they were now learning and growing. They changed the name of the village from Butcher Village to Fischer Village.

This is an amazing story of the transformation of not only individual lives, but an entire community. People who were living in abject poverty, digging through the garbage dump, now lead productive lives. They showed us the baskets and other crafts that they made by hand to sell. Although from Western standards it may seem poor, to these people, the difference is like night and day. God has done an amazing work here.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Teresopolis - Prayer is the beginning

God looks for hearts that are open to Him. Through such hearts and lives, He can do anything.

One such couple was James and Andrea. They are both very skilled medical doctors. In 2002 they came to Teresopolis. In his words, they were "normal" christians. But Andrea had a call of intercession on her life, and she began to feel the heart of God for her city. At one point, she was praying all night - while he was asleep - and God gave her a vision to establish a "net of prayer." He showed her a small fishing line, and God's hand was knitting a circle. Another hand came and they made a big net. (It is interesting how many people in different places have seen such similar visions) Well, they went to the churches and told them about the vision. Andrea set up a 4 pm meeting and set up all the chairs. James was watching their two children, and when he came by about 5pm, there was no one there. All the chairs were empty. When James mentioned that he thought it was a crazy idea, Andrea replied: "Don't you see the angels there in the chairs? One day the angels will leave and people will come." She continued to pray, birthing this network in her prayers. The Lord told her it was not for the churches, but for the city. "You need to go to the city." the Lord told her. People thought that such unity was impossible. Finally in 2003, they decided to hold four meetings in different churches.

At the first meeting 400 people showed up from 30 different denominations. They asked, "How did you hear about this?" "Who invited you?" They all replied, "The Holy Spirit invited us."

James took us to visit the Teresopolis "prayer tower" a narrow building that was several floors tall. They were also undergoing expansion because of the growth that God is giving them.

At the upper floors were small rooms, prayer rooms - with tables, and mat on the floor. This again, was one of those places where you could sense the Presence of God in the place. You knew that many hours of prayer had been spent in these rooms. I just wanted to sit and be in His presence there. Another lesson of the price of time and prayer it takes for His Presence.

Next week, I'll tell the story of how God used James and Andrea in the amazing transformation of a garbage dump community.

Prayer is where God begins to birth His dreams and destinies for our cities. Are we praying and listening and obeying?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

City of Teresopolis

Wednesday, June 11

City of Teresopolis -- We went to the “slum” area of town this afternoon. This is an area that had a lot of poverty and drug issues. They said that two years ago, if we had come into this area, we would have been kidnapped, or killed or both.

The Lord has been doing a work in such a powerful way here. The drug problems have gone way down. They introduced us to several young people that have come to Christ and are now reaching out to the community. One young man was named Phillipe – a top soccer star who came to Christ and is now part of their outreach team and coaching the outreach soccer ministry About 50 kids are a part of that.

One young guy just seemed to be very special. His name was Fabio. Twenty-four years old, and now considers himself a missionary to the city. They have a Judo outreach in the school. They gave us a demonstration for us.

One of the young gals that was there was Camille. She was the girl friend of the major drug Lord in the area. She was also his runner and was highly regarded because she was so good at it. He was killed and she got saved. Now she is inviting all her former drug friends to church. When we were on the street, a couple of the guys got on their cell phones and called up the current drug lord there. They told him to come over; they had some people that wanted to pray for him. So he came over and quietly let us pray for him.

We then went to a Methodist church ( Igreja Metodista Centenario Teresopolis) that is re-doing their building to seat 1,500 – they are growing so fast in that area. We prayed in the church and for the pastor. We found out later that he had said that he wondered if anyone really cared about him – so to have leaders from around the world come and pray in his church and for him was a huge encouragement. We also went to the Baptist church – they work together and with about four other churches. They are also expanding and expecting God’s continued move.

We then headed up to their prayer mountain. A really hard climb! Very steep high steps up from the neighborhood. It was quite a climb! This hill was given by a Christian for the purpose of transformation and he sold a second piece of land to have the funds to build a transformation training center on the hill. It was a powerful time of prayer. It was so moving to see these young men, who were saved out of this neighborhood, on top of this mountain, looking out over their city, praying for their city. At one point one of our team prayed for these young men to be like David and as he was finishing his prayer, there was a meteor that came out of the sky…as a confirmation of our prayers. It was powerful experience to be with these young men.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Transformation Process in Sabara

Monday, June 9 –

 Sabara - 

This community was really the birthplace of the city of Belo-Horizonte. Then when gold was discovered there, the outlying communities grew up and took a lot of the territory. This is considered a strategic place – it was the governmental center for this state. There was much witchcraft and sorcery, and dark Catholicism. First Baptist Church is a church plant from Lagoinha in Belo. They started with a radio station. They took the towers down some time ago. They have slowly built the church and the school that they now have. When we went there, they were in the midst of laying granite flooring. 

We met the founding pastor – his son, Ronaldo, has been showing us around during these past

 days. Ronaldo’s family was all there, a city councilman, who is a believer, and other pastors and leaders from the church. They showed us around, and showed us a couple of videos they made of the history of the church and the city. Then we prayed for them. – It was a powerful time of prayer. I was so deeply impressed by the founding pastor and his wife, and the perseverance they have had to build the church and reach the community. We prayed for Ronaldo and his wife and I was really quickened by the Lord regarding the many tears they have shed. 

Later, we prayed for the teens, and I was prompted with a word of encouragement for their daughter, Stephanie (in English) for her heart for the Lord and intimacy with Him. Another had a word about her worship and walking the globe in worship and intercession. She was in tears as were most of us. Then we had some snacks - and went up on the mountain. 

This was a lot different than the Sunday night experience. Not the heavy presence, but we did some repentance regarding the USA importing division among the churches. Later, Ronaldo sent an

 email to Bruce, stating that there had been a breakthrough among the pastors in town, and they were now committed to unity.)

 Overview of Sabara –

In 2001, the church went around the city and anointed all the entrances to the city.

In 2001 – They marched around one of the churches seven times – later their city Festival was a disaster. 

In 2002 – They had a March for Jesus, and prophesied over the land.

In 2004 – they anointed every street every three hours for 7 days.

In 2008 – There was a big accident at Carnival – a truck tipped over and killed a number of children. The mayor declared that there would be no more Carnival.

 On one highway, there had been lots of accidents – especially at one corner. The church walked the street and anointed it. Later the city made it a two-way street, and there have been no more accidents.

 In early 2008, they had a conference about conquering the city. Ronaldo developed thrombosis in his legs, and ended up in the hospital, and was supposed to be there during the conference. The Lord told the church to start walking around the church. They did that 7 times and four days later, there was not a mark on his leg and he was able to be in the conference.

 The motels in town were pretty much used for prostitution. They went to all the motels and make declarations against prostitution. They piled up 14 stones at the entrance of the hotels and anointed them. In 2003 during Carnival, they camped out in church – As they were there the Lord told them that there were principalities on each of the seven hilltops around the city. Each one had a principality that commanded over Belo Horizonte and a large part of the state. They prayed and cut those off – They saw several changes take place. Some of the principalities have stayed because of sin. They are mobilizing their people to take authority. In 2003 they went to the doors of every known drug dealer and anointed them. Each day they wake up before daybreak and cancel the sins over the city.

They made banners saying Jesus is Lord over Sabara and put them all around the city.

At 6 pm, the Catholic churches ring their bells – so as a strategy, all the Christians started singing worship songs at 6 pm

They explained that Lord gives them these strategies, as they wait on Him.

They used to have a problem with flooding. One year a pastor came from the outside and said that he saw a spirit of Leviathan in the river. They went down to the river and did some proclamations, coming against that spirit. No more floods ever since then.

 Although the Lord gives them strategies, the most important strategy is love. They started doing “Acts Day” with practical helps to the community. Luke 6:38

He has given them many strategies to love people, confront the enemy and not be afraid.

They have had 3 or 4 Acts Days – One time a woman came crying – she said she asked God that she would be able to go to a beauty salon on time in her life. She had never been able to go to a beauty salon. She was 41 years old and never been able to get her hair done. The Lord told him to go to the slum area. He said, Lord, if you want me to go, I’ll go. He went, not knowing where he was going. He took a woman to go with him. God was preparing them for that certain time.

On one Acts Day, a woman came and asked who was candidating to be a politician. She asked three times, saying if you are, I would vote for you! They replied, if you want to know who the candidate is, I’ll tell you, it is Jesus. She cried and said that this love is different when it comes from people who have love in them.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Igreja Batista Da Lagoinha

Sunday Morning, June 8th we visited Igreja Batista Da Lagoinha, The Baptist Church of Lagoinha. in the city of Belo Horizonte. You can check out their website at:
It is in Protuguese, of course.

This is a church of about 35,000 with four services every Sunday. The sanctuary is in the round and about three stories. Before the worship service began, they had a baptismal service. The baptistry was way up high above the platform. Quite impressive. they must have baptized about five people.

The worship service was energetic and powerful. The worship was led by their worship leader, Ana Paula Valadao. She is one of the most popular worship leaders in Brazil, and her worship is really prophetic worship in nature. She has had worship gatherings that have had one million plus in attendance. Here is a link where you can check out one in Rio -

The worship service ended with an invitation. As the people came forward, counselors were with them and they were led in a prayer of salvation. As they ended the prayer, people in the sanctuary let down banners saying, "Welcome to the family of God."

It was a great example of the power and vibrancy of the Brazilian church. Personally, I'm ready to go back...wish I could have that kind of worship all the time!

Check out the video of the worship service. Don't mind the "tourists" taking pictures...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Belo Horizonte Prayer Mountain

The first of our visits to transformational sites on the Fire Tour, was to visit the Prayer Mountain in Teresopolis. Frankly, I was not prepared for what we found. People are on this hill, 42/7. We got out of the van, walked across the street, through an opening in the chain link fence and began to walk up the hill. It was just a big dirt and rock hill in the middle of the city. 

As we walked up the dirt path, there were wooden signs with Bible verses in Portuguese along the way. Steps carved out of the hill let us to the top. As we got to the top, there were people praying out loud over the city. 
The Presence of God was so powerful; I could not help be weep and intercede over the city, often on my knees. Others on our team had the same reaction. The manifest Presence of God was so "thick" and "heavy" that it
 was literally overwhelming. From the top of the hill you had a 360 degree vista over the whole city. This was a holy place. On one side there were some small pup tents. We were told that a pastor was there praying over the city. At that point, he had been there for 80 days. He brought no food or water. Whatever he needed, he would ask the Lord for, and somehow it would be provided. 

One man named John, told us that when he was first saved, his daughter was very sick. The Lord told him to bring some water up to the mountain. As he approached the top, this pastor 
(apparently another time) met him, grabbed the water, and prayed that whoever would drink it would be healed. John took the water back to his daughter and she was healed. John also told us that they have many regular angelic visitations on this mountain. Everyone on the team was deeply moved by our time on this prayer mountain. 

For me personally, I was touched in the very core of my being. All the way on the ride home, I was still being impacted by the manifest Presence of God in that place.

This was not simply a matter of a powerful experience, but also a key lesson in understanding Presence. The Presence of God was there in that place because there were a prepared people who had, for years been investing, and sacrificing to seek the Lord, and cry out for their city.  Sacrificial prayer, and time by ordinary people attracted the Presence of the Lord to this holy place. Lessons we all need to learn.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Observations from Brazil

This past June, I was privileged to be a part of a "Torchlight Training" and "Torchlight Tour" sponsored by The Sentinel Group. They produce the Transformation Videos. If you have not seen these, contact us at PTM, or you can order them through The Sentinel Group. This time in Brazil was literally life changing. In the next few blog entries, I want to share with you some of my observations, and experiences there in Brazil. God is mightily at work there, and it is another one of those places, like Fiji, that has become an example for us all of what God desires to do in our own cities.

I was in Brazil from June 1-18. The "Torchlight Training" was nine days of training in a beautiful resort with transformation leaders from around the world, Fiji, Uganda, Columbia, and Brazil. In later blogs, I will share some of this teaching. It was powerful and engaging. After the training, a small team of about 12 began the "Torchlight Tour." We traveled to about five different communities where we were able to meet with the people engaged in the transformation of their communities and be in the midst of what God was doing. I will share these stories in later posts.

What I came away with from this time in Brazil was that God desires to be present in the midst of His people. Three words came together for me on this trip; Presence, Place, and People. Where God's presence is manifest, and experiential, it is in a place that has been prepared for His Presence, and it is among a people who have prepared themselves for His presence. When these three come together, transformation is the result. I'll tell some of thes stories starting with my next posting.

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to the Prayer Transformation Ministries blog!
This is a place to read updates on transformation, share ideas and questions. I will share thoughts on what God is doing in the area of transformation, and personal observations.

I hope you will check back often and contribute to the life of this blog.

Our hunger and desire is to see God come in His awesome manifest power and bring healing to our lives, our families, our cities and our nation. The key is 2 Chronicles 7:14; If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

That is what we are all about, and that is what we seek.