Saturday, October 25, 2008

Belo Horizonte Prayer Mountain

The first of our visits to transformational sites on the Fire Tour, was to visit the Prayer Mountain in Teresopolis. Frankly, I was not prepared for what we found. People are on this hill, 42/7. We got out of the van, walked across the street, through an opening in the chain link fence and began to walk up the hill. It was just a big dirt and rock hill in the middle of the city. 

As we walked up the dirt path, there were wooden signs with Bible verses in Portuguese along the way. Steps carved out of the hill let us to the top. As we got to the top, there were people praying out loud over the city. 
The Presence of God was so powerful; I could not help be weep and intercede over the city, often on my knees. Others on our team had the same reaction. The manifest Presence of God was so "thick" and "heavy" that it
 was literally overwhelming. From the top of the hill you had a 360 degree vista over the whole city. This was a holy place. On one side there were some small pup tents. We were told that a pastor was there praying over the city. At that point, he had been there for 80 days. He brought no food or water. Whatever he needed, he would ask the Lord for, and somehow it would be provided. 

One man named John, told us that when he was first saved, his daughter was very sick. The Lord told him to bring some water up to the mountain. As he approached the top, this pastor 
(apparently another time) met him, grabbed the water, and prayed that whoever would drink it would be healed. John took the water back to his daughter and she was healed. John also told us that they have many regular angelic visitations on this mountain. Everyone on the team was deeply moved by our time on this prayer mountain. 

For me personally, I was touched in the very core of my being. All the way on the ride home, I was still being impacted by the manifest Presence of God in that place.

This was not simply a matter of a powerful experience, but also a key lesson in understanding Presence. The Presence of God was there in that place because there were a prepared people who had, for years been investing, and sacrificing to seek the Lord, and cry out for their city.  Sacrificial prayer, and time by ordinary people attracted the Presence of the Lord to this holy place. Lessons we all need to learn.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Observations from Brazil

This past June, I was privileged to be a part of a "Torchlight Training" and "Torchlight Tour" sponsored by The Sentinel Group. They produce the Transformation Videos. If you have not seen these, contact us at PTM, or you can order them through The Sentinel Group. This time in Brazil was literally life changing. In the next few blog entries, I want to share with you some of my observations, and experiences there in Brazil. God is mightily at work there, and it is another one of those places, like Fiji, that has become an example for us all of what God desires to do in our own cities.

I was in Brazil from June 1-18. The "Torchlight Training" was nine days of training in a beautiful resort with transformation leaders from around the world, Fiji, Uganda, Columbia, and Brazil. In later blogs, I will share some of this teaching. It was powerful and engaging. After the training, a small team of about 12 began the "Torchlight Tour." We traveled to about five different communities where we were able to meet with the people engaged in the transformation of their communities and be in the midst of what God was doing. I will share these stories in later posts.

What I came away with from this time in Brazil was that God desires to be present in the midst of His people. Three words came together for me on this trip; Presence, Place, and People. Where God's presence is manifest, and experiential, it is in a place that has been prepared for His Presence, and it is among a people who have prepared themselves for His presence. When these three come together, transformation is the result. I'll tell some of thes stories starting with my next posting.

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to the Prayer Transformation Ministries blog!
This is a place to read updates on transformation, share ideas and questions. I will share thoughts on what God is doing in the area of transformation, and personal observations.

I hope you will check back often and contribute to the life of this blog.

Our hunger and desire is to see God come in His awesome manifest power and bring healing to our lives, our families, our cities and our nation. The key is 2 Chronicles 7:14; If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

That is what we are all about, and that is what we seek.